Talk at Blackbridge Cross Border’s 1st Birthday Dinner 17 April 2014


I’ve been looking forward to an opportunity like this for some time now.

For the last two months I have been working hard on a ground breaking guide on how to profit from China going global. While I love writing I’ve also been itching for the chance to talk about Chinese businesses’ overseas expansion plans to people who are at the cutting edge of this trend.  Well that day is not far off; soon I will have the pleasure of addressing Blackbridge Cross Border’s 1st Birthday Dinner. Attending will be a select audience of Chinese and European businessmen who are leading the charge of China’s go global story.

The big event is on the 17 April at the Hilton Hotel, Mayfair London, I will be discussing the rapid rise of Chinese investment across the world and in particular the Real Estate sector. From mega-projects such as reconstruction of the Royal Albert Dock in East London, to Chinese students buying flats in Sydney the impact of Chinese buyers is being felt across the globe. Indications show that this is just the start of a trend which will bring new investment and capital into the cities and countries that successfully attract Chinese investment.

Why are Chinese investors expanding abroad into the Real Estate sector? Firstly, empire building, Chinese firms are facing a slowdown (by Chinese standards) at home, as well as tough domestic competition, so are looking abroad to build and run commercial properties and expand their asset base.

Secondly, real estate offers strong returns, is a relatively safe investment class, but often requires large outlays of capital, something many Chinese companies and individuals have in abundance.

Thirdly, individual investors are looking at markets like London and New York as safe investments, immune to political risk. And unlike other assets which are liable to fall in value, property in many locations retains its value, individuals who are perhaps working or studying in the country take the opportunity to buy a home as a home and/or investment.

The event will attended by a select group of Chinese, European and Asian investors, entrepreneurs and government officials in what looks set to be a fantastic event. Special thanks to Alexander Jarvis who is the mastermind behind this and many other events.

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